Currently Browsing: Bizarre

Would You Do This Man?

Would You Do This Man?
If you're new here, you may want to subscribe to my RSS feed. Thanks for visiting!I’ve blogged about Beautiful People Dot Com here, and this post will be about that dating site. Beautiful People is basically a peer reviewed dating website and why not? Science journals are peered reviewed…maybe by...

Heidi Montag aka Miss Cosmetica

Heidi Montag aka Miss Cosmetica
Heidi Montag, of The Hills fame, is a poster girl of cosmetic surgery. What makes it all the more mind boggling is that she is under 30 years old, not a senior citizen/actress.Whether for vanity, insecurity or both, I can get cosmetic surgery at a later age or after childbirth or even after a huge weight...

The Most Pleasure

The Most Pleasure
Women’s bodies earn publishers a mint. It’s all about alleged flaws. Flaws for whom? But they do become our flaws if we give in and accept the differences, and each woman is definitely different but celebrities live on a different planet and often pretend to visit the real world to either...

‘Kick Ass’ Crap

‘Kick Ass’ Crap
Remember when you were 12? The range of films showing cussing, psychotic 12 year olds was limited to the gory horror stories that featured demonic children like the Omen but even Damien didn’t swear. Kiss Ass is the latest film starring Nicholas Cage as a ‘hero’ called Big Daddy and father...

Bot Blowjob Tempo

Bot Blowjob Tempo
I don’t know if it’s terrible of me or not but I sometimes wish that robot inventors experience a spicy dose of karma. The type of robots that get to me are the companion bots that are debuting all over the world. Sure they’ll earn their designers some cash but will they really and truly...

The Truth About Brad’s Scraggly Beard

The Truth About Brad’s Scraggly Beard
Finally, the truth about Brad Pitt’s horrible facial hair can be revealed. It’s all for a role. Apparently Brad will be playing Percy Harrison Fawcett, an explorer who went missing in the Amazon in 1925. I know it’s not particularly fair to label this blog post as ‘bizarre’ but...

Biblical Paraphilias & Sex Crimes

Biblical Paraphilias & Sex Crimes
I don’t know what is more bizarre, the fact that evangelism follows the Bible in detail or the fact that a lot of Biblical detail features sordid stories that include tales of incest, necrophlia and rape. This is the Bible I’m talking about and a forensic researcher has written a paper about this...

What a Tiger! Doing a Tiger

What a Tiger! Doing a Tiger
Where to begin with Tiger Woods? The one thing about the Woods scandal is that it overlaps decades, which kind of makes it novel. Unlike, I don’t keep track of the days as they do, but the February 2010 issue of Vanity Fair is bound to keep Tiger’s name in bright lights -for all the...

Foot Fetishes as Neural Crosstalk

Foot Fetishes as Neural Crosstalk
Feet are important to most of us. We need them to get around but for others, we adorn them to extend our overall look or appeal. Take a recent article about Madonna’s preference for shoes over sex. Apparently this has been verified by the one and only Jimmy Choo, yes the actual name behind the brand...

What if you were famous?

What if you were famous?
Sex text messages. Sexy emails…sex on video. These are common aspects of modern life, but are they really necessary? Do they derive from some personal need to be remembered? Some mornings I wake with a nightmare dissolving in my head and I’m appreciative of the rapid decay, I just don’t...
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