Online Erotica | 5 Minutes with Lucrezia Magazine

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There are many erotica magazines on the web. Below,  I interview Anastasia Mavromatis, the online publisher of Lucrezia Magazine, an online magazine specializing in erotic fiction, that I read regularly.

DSPF: What is it like to publish an erotic fiction ezine and what inspired you?

AM: There are days when I don’t consider myself as a publisher. Of course that is based on the image I have in my head of what a publisher should be, which I shake off each time. I’d say that it’s bittersweet; I feel terrible when I decline stories that writers have obviously poured themselves into, I feel ecstatic when I read other stories that adequately convey the writer’s voice. It’s a mixed bag. At the time I was working in a go-nowhere day job in a telco, replete with petty office politics and wanted to create an online presence that focused on publishing erotica.

DSPF: A quick web search confirms that you also write erotica. What is your most recent story?

AM: I do write the occasional erotic short story. I haven’t had much time this year. My most recent short story, Stripped, appears in Best Women’s Erotica 2010. For me, that’s enough for one year. I feel privileged to have had my story selected by Violet Blue and be within the company of BWE writers. It’s like achieving an ultimate goal. I can now sleep easy. Five years ago, I hoped for some of my stories to appear in print anthologies and be accessible on the other side of the world. Now it’s a reality, I’m content.

DSPF: What is it about?

AM: It’s about a young woman between sexual-cultural crossroads, whose life changes when she becomes the fourth room mate for three men. The change is, of course, sexual. It is erotica.

DSPF: I’ve read it. I expected the usual one-on-one sexual awakening of sorts, but you gave readers a group sex session.

AM: I did. One some levels I think that being with more than one man ranks equally as the traditional MFF threesome fantasy. I was going for a goddess worship type of scenario; the male room mates aren’t just fornicating, the sex isn’t transient. They’ll be cohabiting. So it’s more close to a polyandrous setup and why not? I come from a culture that focuses on men coming first (sometimes literally) or men dominating on some level.

DSPF: What is it like reading erotica submissions?

It varies. It also depends on the mood. I’ll just say that I don’t base my reading days on routine. I don’t wake up and think, “Right, it’s almost 9 AM.” I’m not a creature of routine that way as I feel that to approach erotica in a regimented manner will affect the novelty or sense of spontaneity. Routine tends to establish assocations and, over time, negative associations or those associated with drudgery.  I’ve never been fond of regimentation. It may work for others but it doesn’t work for me. Everyone needs to find what works for them.

AM: How long does it take for you to decide on a story?

AM: Sometimes it can take days. Other times, I can see the potential from the first sentence or paragraph. As a rule, though, if the first two to three paragraphs are tedious, have spelling errors or contain faulty clauses, an internal alarm bell rings.

DSPF: What is your ultimate aim within the arena of erotica?

AM: Lucrezia Magazine is like an erotic way station. There are no current plans to make it a print publication due to the complications that would arise. Where I live, the print process is expensive and complicated due to the adult classification. Most magazines with adult classifications or with explicit adult content -photographic or literary – have sealed sections. Ideally, I’d like to work toward editing a print anthology. I have a few thematic ideas that resonate with contemporary trends.

DSPF: Any you care to reveal?

AM: No, I’ll keep them under my hat for the time being. I have an idea for an erotic anthology that has the potential of being a significant visual as well as literary vehicle. I’ll leave it at that.

DSPF: Any tips for erotica writers?

AM: I think my tips are for writers in general, but for those planning to write erotica or entertain the idea: take erotica seriously. I’ve received stories from writers who assume erotica to be an easy genre. It’s not. Write, write and write. Develop a sense of perseverance. Don’t take rejections personally – unless you offend an editor and keep on ignoring editorial guidelines. It doesn’t always happen but it can happen. Most importantly, read your final draft aloud before submitting it to an editor or publisher. One of the most difficult thing is to re-read a story and confirm its status (finished vs. ongoing). My quick tip: If the themes come together and it reads smoothly, it’s there. If you need to backtrack to redefine a concept or the point of view changes halfway through, it needs more work. If it sounds iffy to you as you’re reading aloud, then it will sound iffy to an editor.

DSPF: Anastasia, thank you for your time.

AM: It‘s been a pleasure. Thank you for your questions and good luck with your blog.

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