Bad Romance

Bad Romance
If you're new here, you may want to subscribe to my RSS feed. Thanks for visiting!I love this Lady Gaga music clip for its fetish...

iPorn | there’s an app for that

iPorn | there’s an app for that
The ability to download porn onto your iPhone has always been around but the same cannot be said for having a valid porn app. Now that has been changed. As of the 1st December this year, the Sex App Shop (TM) store has been launched. The iPhone app is freely available for download at the official app web...


You stop your pacing, open the refrigerator and ignore the fragrance of modern pollution and pigeon shit that wanders in from the balcony. You retrieve an orange and you stop to take in its piquant aroma in the hope that it will replace the stench of modernity. You vigorously peel the fruit with your fingers...

Bad Sex Anyone?

Bad Sex Anyone?
I think that bad sex is more acceptable in literary form. It seems that authors don’t seem to mind receiving bad sex awards in literature. The latest award issued by the Literary Review went to Jonathan Littell. Littell is the author of The Kindly Ones. The tome/ novel sold 1 million copies in...

PETA vs Catholics

PETA vs Catholics
This image of a partially nude crucifix bearing Joanna Krupa isn’t exactly bizarre but I do wonder about the nudie trend and PETA and lately, they’re pissing off Catholics. The below image has impressed the Catholic League president: “The fact is that cats and dogs are a lot safer in pet...

4 Years Without Sex

4 Years Without Sex
My therapist suggested I create a list of positives vs. negatives: the traditional pro and con list. This list is to be purely sexual and by creating it, I’ll hopefully be less ambiguous about my non-existent sex life. Before I go further, I do have to state or SHOUT, that my celibacy wasn’t...

New Marilyn Home Video

New Marilyn Home Video
Some fifty years on, a film reel has surfaced showing a smoke loving Marilyn. The film has been located in an attic and was recently purchased for $275,000 by collector Keya Morgan While Marilyn doesn’t inhale deeply, the cigarette in the film has been confirmed by the film-maker to contain marijuana....

E-Lust #2

E-Lust #2
Welcome to e[lust] - your source for sexual intelligence and inspirations of lust from the smartest & sexiest bloggers! Whether you’re looking for hot steamy smut, thought-provoking opinions or expert information, you’re going to find it here. Want to be included in the next edition? Start with the...

No Sudden and Unexplained Movements | On Sex Disasters

No Sudden and Unexplained Movements | On Sex Disasters
There are plenty of sex-related ER horror stories as there are general sexual disasters. I suspect that there are more tales of mysterious rectal entrances by torches, aerosol cans and giant cucumbers than disappearances over the Bermuda Triangle, and I’m betting that all of us experience some type of...
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