Saturday, June 12, 2010

Lady Gaga Should Do Eurovision

Beginning a blog is never easy, especially a blog with the above title but who better to blog about, who personifies the gist of this blog better than the person in the below video clip? She ticks all the boxes. She is a celebrity. She is edgy and, depending on who you talk to, has a strange style that has become her trademark.

There has been a lot of talk and controversy related to the clip of her latest single, Alejandro. Everything from bad taste to 'blasphemy' has been mentioned. Apart from this, the music does take a while to start: there are stylishly dark sets, a funeral procession and a Carmen-esque declaration.

I have to say that it's a catchy song - typical GaGa - but the beginning reminds me of Ace of Base's "I saw the sign..." (I'm embarrassed to remember that song!). The scene with GaGa in beige/flesh colored underwear and a short blonde do, playing the dominatrix is very Madonna or, to be more polite, plays homage to Madonna? This song would really fit right in with a Eurovision song entry.


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