Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The Sofa O | Luxury Pooch Sofa

I'm not sure how larger dogs fare. If you own a St Bernard or a Great Dane, you may have issues if you purchase this luxury doggie sofa, but it's quite interesting and described by the manufacture as being:

Designed in Paris, it is hand-shaped by french craftsmen before being sent anywhere in the world to reach your ‘Favorite’ companion.

The contemporary design of this sofa will bring any interior to perfection, for masters' greatest pleasure.

Each sofa comes with a high quality finish, unrivaled softness, fake-fur cushion with removable garment.

Judging by the terms 'French craftsmen' and limited edition (which appears on the official site) -the sofa is limited to 100 individually signed pieces, the price tag isn't anything to sniff at (pardon the pun). You can just picture this sofa being used by your average squillionaire socialite or celebrity.
The Sof'a is made by La Favorite.


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