The Dirty Gift Basket links

The Dirty Gift Basket links
If you're new here, you may want to subscribe to my RSS feed. Thanks for visiting!This week has been a Tiger Woods celebrity media week, with stories that ranged from telephone text messages to full blown allegations of unsafe sex with a variety of women.  It’s been difficult to find sex related links...

What if you were famous?

What if you were famous?
Sex text messages. Sexy emails…sex on video. These are common aspects of modern life, but are they really necessary? Do they derive from some personal need to be remembered? Some mornings I wake with a nightmare dissolving in my head and I’m appreciative of the rapid decay, I just don’t...

Lindsay Lohan: “Cranked out of her skull”

Lindsay Lohan: “Cranked out of her skull”
Cigarettes used to be considered as sexy extensions back in the day; emphasis on back in the day. They were promoted with lies and now, decades later, some celebrities promote cigarettes through their fashion/magazine layouts. I’m not the health and fitness equivalent of an Islamist, but I think that...

The Sweetest Kiss: Disappointing Vampire Erotica

The Sweetest Kiss: Disappointing Vampire Erotica
Vampire mania seems to be the norm. Unfortunately this doesn’t translate to quality and that isn’t a reference to Twilight. I wouldn’t class the Twilight saga as erotic. Darkly romantic, yes, but not erotic. So imagine my surprise when I waited – eagerly waited mind you – for my...

Body, Sex & Life

Body, Sex & Life
“Anger seeped through my very pores the day I was supposedly let down gently over the fact that I wasn’t thin enough, yes, thin enough for the restaurant owner. I only wanted a job on the side, something to pay for my postgraduate studies but I wasn’t hired. I even ignored the fact that everyone, yes...

Michael Bay Does Victoria’s Secret

Michael Bay Does Victoria’s Secret
Where do you go after Transformers? You direct an advert for Victoria’s Secret, that’s where. Is this ad targeted toward women or is it merely a reflection of Bay’s personal fantasies? Maybe it’s me, but do some scenes within this advert have a  Michael Ninn ambiance? Yes, there is...

Quotes | Asexuality

Quotes | Asexuality
“I would say I’ve never had a dream or a fantasy, a sexual fantasy, for example, about being with another woman. So I can pretty much say that I have no lesbian sort of tendencies whatsoever. You would think that by my age I would have some fantasy or dream or something, wouldn’t you?...

Sexual Fitness | 3 Basics

Sexual Fitness | 3 Basics
Sex is often taken for granted, as is fitness and sexual fitness is the cornerstone of satisfying sex. In my late teens and early twenties, I didn’t factor in physical fitness. Many people don’t automatically relate sex with exercise. In our society, sex is often related to performance and performance...

Sonia Rykiel H & M Launch To Rival Victoria’s Secret

Sonia Rykiel H & M Launch To Rival Victoria’s Secret
Sonia Rykiel is one of the few original iconic female French fashion designers. The recent launch of the H & M has gathered praise from the likes of Jean Paul Gaultier to Emmanuelle Beart. As a visual event, 2000 guests attended the multi-million dollar event held at The Grand Palais. Guests enjoyed the...

Why Do Men Cheat & Ambien Sex – Links

Why Do Men Cheat & Ambien Sex – Links
Tiger Woods won’t be the first or last man to commit the ‘Biblical’ sin of adultery. As usual, the usual headlines that do follow celebrity scandals, take the form of questions or articles that try to examine the phenomenon of adultery. AZ Central asks why men cheat and proposes a few...
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