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Eat and Go
Eat and Go... For the latest blog posts, subscribe to my RSS feed. Thanks for visiting!It...
The Sexcession
The Sexcession... According to Fabulous magazine, the recession hasn’t totally been about misery...
Eating to Orgasm?
Eating to Orgasm?... I have to confess that I don’t read relationship articles. Articles titled,...
This Valentine’s Day Give Yoni/Vagina Art
This Valentine’s ... Artists. Where would the world be without them? They bring another dimension to just...
Revenge on the Corner of 52nd & Broadway
Revenge on the Corner o... It could very well be a musical but as far as revenge goes, in the technological age...
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‘The G Spot Wars’ – Midweek Links

‘The G Spot Wars’ – Midweek Links
It’s time for mid-week link surfing. It seems as though the G Spot war is back on. Regular visitors here will recall a post of mine (with a totally awesome G-Spot image)  about the alleged G Spot myth involving a group of British researchers who claimed that the G Spot didn’t exit. Now, French gynecologists have hit back at the British, launching a...

This is a virgin post!

This is a virgin post!
Imagine a world that restricts word usage based on corproate CEOs dictating terms? Corporations are known to retain attorneys to maintain any alleged copyright breech, many going over the top to even fashion similarities. Take Steve Jobs/Apple and a lawsuit that reached as far as Australia, where Apple claimed a similarity between its apple logo to a supermarket chain’s...

Eat and Go

Eat and Go
It doesn’ t matter where the statistics appear, sex in public is quite popular. The increased risk in being discovered having sex adds to the excitement for some people. While I haven’t personally had sex in public, scrap that, I haven’t been caught or had a fighting chance of being caught, I can’t say that I crave displaying my sexual skills in...

ASL Part 8

ASL Part 8
(Parts 1 through to 7) None of my attached or married friends discussed their sex lives in detail. Despite television shows indicating the opposite, marriage remained a rosy positive destination. Bad things happened, but humiliating spousal sex episodes weren’t part of the conversational package over morning espresso. I’d read about sexual mismatches, how the libido...

Erotic Art | Love Hotel III

Erotic Art | Love Hotel III
Image: Yoni...

Kate Moss Ménage à Trois

Kate Moss Ménage à Trois
It’s from a Harper’s Bazaar shoot, and she looks photogenic as per usual but the male models are, well…youngish? The images were taken by Peter Lindbergh and in one image, one may quickly think or assume, ‘ah typical Kate with a cigarette,’ but it’s a makeup pencil dangling out of her...

Bankers Like Bikini Babes Too

Bankers Like Bikini Babes Too
A friend emailed me a link to the below picture incident. This image definitely had me thinking about the global financial crisis and whether such a crisis was necessary.  Take a close look at the monitor on the top left part of the image. Is NSFW content good for the financial sector? Does it distract financial advisers and bankers from the job at hand? I’m guessing...

LOVE the Naked Model Covers

LOVE the Naked Model Covers
I like controversial magazine covers. Nudity, when tasteful, can be sublime and Love Magazine has gone and done it again, this time with 8 models -including Naomi Campbell. There’s Kate Moss, Lara Stone, Naomi Campbell, Natalia Vodianova, Amber Valletta, Daria Werbowy, Kristen McMenamy and Jeneil Williams, all shot in the same position shot by Mert Alas and Marcus Piggott....